1007 Live Oak Blvd, Suite B-1 Yuba City, CA 95991

Individual Therapy Services

So, what is individual therapy?

Some people still think of a person laying on a couch while a therapist analyzes their brain. Other people used to think a therapist could magically tell whether you are crazy or not. What powers the

Individual therapy is about developing a relationship.

Yes, I said relationship!

You must find a therapist that you feel safe enough with to share your thoughts and feelings. The atmosphere, the skill level and the willingness of the therapist to listen and to be present for you are so very important. Your therapist should gel with who you are.

So, what does the therapist do if not analyze me, you ask?

Hopefully something useful, right?

In individual therapy, there is rarely laying down on the couch time and if there is, Houston you’ve got a problem! What you will see is a friendly face asking you questions and trying to get to know you. And, this friendly face should also be answering any questions you have. Kind of like having tea with a close friend except you do most of the talking, and it feels good to talk.

Now, once that initial get to know you is completed. Then you are on to developing a plan or a set of goals for your therapy sessions. The therapist is going to look to you to identify what your biggest problems or concerns are. You will work together to get you unstuck, to alleviate your symptoms, to make life more manageable and most of all help to you feel better. The therapist may ask you to use a few fancy techniques or tools to really ensure you meet your goals in a timely fashion. Just humor them. They love their fancy tools!

Therapy can be fun. It’s fun to have a live audience all to yourself with little or no censorship.

It does take some work on your part and you may even have a bit of homework occasionally. It’s all part of the plan you develop together, and what you will leave with is so worth it.

You’ve got this! Go, take the next step, call or email me, and get happy!

Everyday Counts Therapy Services
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